Help White Rabbit Laboratories Become a 501(c)3 Non-profit

Below is a letter from Teresa Meier. Here she explains how her desire to help underprivileged youth came to be. We are very proud of her accomplishments this past year, and for her determination to see her vision come to fruition. Please consider continuing to support her as she takes her next big step. Let's encourage the success of those who wish to help others!

I was a fearful child. Quiet, because I was afraid to speak. I watched, afraid to act. I lived under tables, afraid to take up space. And I colored. I silently replicated the world onto scraps of paper, making a mark and allowing myself to exist and be a part of the world around me. My tiny self intuitively understood this was my way of holding a dialogue with the world. It didn't scare me. That is, until this world told me it should. Artists are starving and coloring is for kids, anyways.

So I studied neuropsychology. I spent my early adulthood studying and researching the crossover area between genetics and psychology. Much of the research I did centered around victims and language, which led to working with children and teens. When I encountered a six-year-old child sex offender, I began to grasp the incredible perpetuity of the cycle of violence and sadly understood how the greatest victims are unknowingly set to repeat. It took me many more years, but I ultimately discovered that art and photography are my most powerful tools in combating that violence for myself and for others.

Becoming a photographer and artist has been one of the most challenging and rewarding tasks in my life. I am constantly surprised, amazed and delighted by photography's power to engage and unite people in a positive way. I am grateful that I have photography in my life, for the way it has and continues to connect me to so many people and communities, and I hope to continue to share it as a powerful, positive and impactful tool.

For the past three years, I have collaborated with prevention specialist Laura Stanley of Trillium Family Services to organize and teach a photography-based art therapy class for at-risk and underprivileged teens under the name of Photosynthesis. Last June, we provided a weeklong photography workshop at David Douglas High School.

A recent and generous donation from Wieden+Kennedy enabled the purchase of six Nikon dSLR cameras for the program, and the kids enjoyed learning camera basics during an outdoor expedition to Wahclella Falls in the Columbia Gorge. We also enjoyed a guest lecture from photojournalist Joel Preston Smith, who taught the kids about environmental portraiture. Joel accompanied us on a service tour at Zenger Farms, where we were able to practice photographing people engaged in projects on the farm, as well as learn about the farm and lend a hand with some weeding.

(click through slides above)

Additionally, I taught the kids about the historical photographic processes, and with a kind donation from Collage Art Supply, the kids were able to try out the cyanotype process. Finally, Pushdot Studios generously printed and mounted the students' work for a month long exhibition in July at Newspace Center for Photography's special exhibitions gallery.

The program has garnered tremendous community support, and I have witnessed the positive impact it has had on participating teens. Because of the success of this pilot program and with the continued support of this wonderful community, I have decided to officially establish the Photosynthesis program under the name White Rabbit Laboratories. I will continue the efforts of Photosynthesis and build a sustainable photography program that will not only provide valuable therapeutic benefits to its participants, but will also result in a more diverse media landscape in a field that it is still predominantly comprised of white males from the middle to upper class.

It is my goal to raise enough funds via my sponsorship with Taking Focus, Inc to establish White Rabbit Laboratories as 501(c)3 non-profit. Additionally, I am seeking funds to support administration, marketing and education developments for the program as I expand the organization and attempt to integrate the program beyond the three high schools I have currently served.

Thank you,

Teresa Meier

Become A Sponsor: "Ghosts In America" - NY Exhibition

Dear Friends, 

Jonathan DeCamps, New York exhibition Ghosts In America: Portraits of Undocumented Immigrants, will take place on July 9, 2016 at Rio Penthouse Gallery. "Your donations will be used for covering the costs of production of these portraits that will help the community spread awareness about immigration and the importance of voting. As wells as the real stories behind those that this issue affects," says DeCamps. In order to meet this goal, he is seeking donations and sponsorships from local businesses and individuals.

"By giving to this event you'll be supporting the Ghosts In America project in helping us provide assistance to those in our community by spreading their stories and journeys, " says DeCamps.

Donations will be recognized at the event. As an image sponsor, your name or business will be placed on the wall recognizing your contribution. And, your name or business (with a link to your website if available), will be stated on the Taking Focus website, as well as any accompanying materials promoting the event.

Please consider donating or becoming a sponsor to support Jonathan DeCamps . If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at:

Listed below are the sizes and the amount if you would like to become a sponsor:

12x18 There are 9 images up for sponsorship. Each image is $200.00 for individuals / $300.00 for businesses

24x36 There are 5 images up for sponsorship. Each image is $300.00 for individuals / $400.00 for businesses

40x60 There is 1 image for sponsorship at $500.00

*Please remember that all donations, big or small, make such a difference.

Jonathan, "With this exhibition right around the corner, I hope that you will consider donating or sponsoring to support our advancement in bringing attention to a cause that is deeply meaningful to many."

All donations are tax deductible through Taking Focus, INC. Donations may be made online through  or a check may be mailed and payable to : Taking Focus, INC. P.O. Box 351025, Palm Coast, FL 32135

Bruno: Dravet Syndrome

{All images on this post are the exclusive property of Jennifer Kaczmarek and are protected under the United States and International Copyright laws. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of Jennifer Kaczmarek. Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration (digital, artist rendering or alike) is a violation of the United States and International Copyright laws. All images are copyrighted @2016 Jennifer Kaczmarek}

Dravet Syndrome is a rare genetic epileptic encephalopathy(dysfunction of the brain). It begins in the first year of life in an otherwise healthy infant. Prior to 1989, this syndrome was known as epilepsy with polymorphic seizures, polymorphic epilepsy in infancy (PMEI) or severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (SMEI). The disease begins in infancy but is lifelong.  (via the Epilepsy Foundation, read on for more information)

February 8, 2016 - This visit with Bruno took an unexpected turn, and this experience shed even more light into the unpredictable life that Jacel and Bruno lead. I know that there are hundreds, if not thousands of other families that can relate to their story. The numbers are baffling and the stories are heartbreaking;  there are so many suffering day in and day out from debilitating illnesses. In the past week alone I personally know of three children that have ended up in ICU.  These families live in fear not knowing what each day will be like for their child.

I met Jacel over at B & V Thera-Pro Associates, in Miami, FL., where Bruno receives therapy. This is his home away from home you could say. He has three different types of therapies, each for one hour, three times a week.

It's wonderful to see this smile on his face. Remember, this is a little guy who is four years old and can not speak. Every tiny task he manages is seen as overwhelming success. He is pictured here in his new chair/stand that he has recently received, it enables him to be in a standing position without assistance.

When Bruno was finished with therapy, Jacel took him to get his hair trimmed. Bruno left with a nice little fade on his head. We decided next time he should have a couple thin lines shaved on the side. He would look really cute with that.

I had a little scary moment after we went to grab something to eat. Jacel needed to run into a store, and I waited in the car with Bruno.  I was sitting talking to him and shooting pictures with my phone, when all of a sudden he started seizing. I can say that an overwhelming rush of panic went through my body. While I have seen him seize many times, I have never been alone with him when it has happened. I wasn't sure what to do. And, being unsure of how long Jacel might be, and not knowing how long the seizure would last, the moment was nerve racking. "What do I do? " I was envisioning myself picking him up and running to find her, but I wasn't sure exactly where she was. Just as I was about to get out of the car, I saw Jacel coming around the back of the car, and I thought, "Thank God!

February 9, 2016 - On this day, we met with Dr. Ian Miller at Miami Children's Hospital. He is Bruno's neurologist. This was to be just a routine visit for Bruno. Dr. Miller was just following up with Jacel on how Bruno was doing. Bruno has been fortunate to have been selected for a CBD trial being conducted at the hospital. I can only imagine how many other parents would wish to have their child be included in such a fantastic study such as this.

Jacel says, "He was on the blind study the first four months, some days were stable, and some days were hard. It was hard to tell." Meaning that she is not sure if he was receiving a placebo at the time, or if it was the actual CBD.



After the first four months of unknowing, he then began truly receiving CBD in September of 2015.

Note: When I first met Bruno in August of 2014, he was having over 300 seizures a day. Then he went to Colorado and California by November of 2014 and started on Jayden's Juice, Charlotte's Web, and other cannabis oil such as THC oil, to help hen big seizures were present. Bruno then had a sudden decrease in seizures, he was down to 50 a day. "During our use with cannabis we prevented the use of rescue drugs, as cannabis replaced them with little side effects compared to the rescue drugs used, such as Diazepam and Klonopin. Imagine if he was on CBD and THC combined legally here in the state of Florida where he would receive the correct dosage of THC oil that he needs instead of harmful pharmaceutical recue drugs to treat his major seizures!"

In March of 2015, Bruno stopped cannabis all together, and was stable. Months later he started the trial.



After meeting with Dr. Miller, Bruno was to follow up on other tests.  We preceded on to having his routine blood work done. Unfortunately, it was something Jacel was going to have to go back to have done the following day because they were having difficulty getting enough blood drawn from him.



From here we moved on to our next location, Bruno was to have an EKG test. Once we got upstairs, Jacel and I noticed that Bruno started not to seem himself.  As you can see in this image, a change has now started to occur. He began having long dazes. He wasn't himself at all. Usually he's arms and legs are waving. He was completely still, and began to be unresponsive. You can see the concern on Jacel's face.

After Bruno's EKG we sat in the waiting room right outside for a little while to see if he would snap out of it. Bruno was feeling warm. This fever would soon come to be a sign of what was yet to come. Jacel began giving him some medication, but nothing changed. We decided it was best to go back to Dr. Miller.


Once we arrived to Dr. Miller's office, Bruno began having seizures. These seizures were different and not so noticeable to the eye as other seizures he has had, except for his hands, they were shaking as the seizures were happening. After trying a few emergency medications that seemed to have had no effect on him, Dr. Miller suggested we head to the emergency room. He notified them we were coming, and when we arrived another seizure insued. The nurse took Bruno from Jacel's arms into hers, and rushed with him down the hall, around the corner, into the trauma center.   


Within seconds, there was one after another entering the room attending to Bruno. It was a pretty intense time, so I don't remember how many doctors and nurses were attending to him.  Never did I think that our day would have come to this.

But, this is a true indication of what life is like for the suffering and their families. They live never knowing what their day will bring. 

That night Bruno was submitted into the ICU. During the night his fever spiked and he had four seizures, bringing his oxygen level down to 1%.


This image represents all the children that are suffering.

Bruno was finally released from Miami Children's Hospital on Feburary 11, 2016.  What they discovered was that he had contracted Coronavirus, which can be equivalent to a common cold. The nonconvulsive seizures, and spiked fevers were all indications of the cold he had contracted. This goes to show how delicate the bodies are of these children. Can you imagine all of these things happening, and seeing your child turn blue and go to having 1% oxygen?

I would like to thank Dr. Miller and the entire staff that I met that day at Miami Children's Hospital. Everyone I encountered was so kind.

Please I encourage everyone seeing this to please share with your family and friends. Spread the word. The road the suffering and their families are trudging is beyond difficult.

I am committed to sharing these stories in hopes that hearts are being reached. People are not only suffering, they are dying; children are dying. These stories are more common than you would think. We can't sweep them under the carpet anymore. Everyone deserves the chance to try every option available that may be able to not only ease their suffering, but to save their life.

Educate, Advocate, have Empathy, Compassion, and Love.

#dotherightthing #fightthegoodfight #makingpicturesmatter


~ Jennifer Kaczmarek


Anneliese Clark: TED Talk :To What Lengths Would You Go to Save Your Child?

{All images on this post are the exclusive property of Jennifer Kaczmarek and are protected under the United States and International Copyright laws. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of Jennifer Kaczmarek. Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration (digital, artist rendering or alike) is a violation of the United States and International Copyright laws. All images are copyrighted @2016 Jennifer Kaczmarek}

We now have a copy of Anneliese's moving TED Talk. Here she shares with you her journey with Christina, and the vital information that is not widely known to the public. Educating oneself and sharing that knowledge with others is key and necessary to create change. Please consider sharing, November is not far away! Everyday matters to thousands of people who are suffering. It is time to unite, to push, and to believe that together we can change the system.

(Please click the video twice, it will direct you to You Tube to view it.)

Behind The Scenes 1-13-2016

Best Friends: They've been through the thick together and are as tight as ever. Studio D, Southeast Center for Photographic Studies, Daytona Beach, FL, 1/13/16

Best Friends: They've been through the thick together and are as tight as ever. Studio D, Southeast Center for Photographic Studies, Daytona Beach, FL, 1/13/16

I am leaping into the new year continuing on with my projects, but still keeping this one under wraps. In time I will be able to unveil, but for now this is what I am able to share. I am grateful for our day.


Notes To Self

  • Stay focused
  • Keep pushing boundaries
  • NEVER lose sight of the importance of the work


" Iam only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do."                                                                                 `Edward Everett Hale



Ringing In The New Year With Much Gratitude For 2015

To all of our supporters,


As this year comes to a close, we would like to give our utmost appreciation and thanks to  those who have supported us along the way. Without your financial support and belief in our mission, we could not exist. We are deeply indebted to all of you. Thank you!

This year Taking Focus made extraordinary strides in bringing awareness to important social issues that our occurring not only in our world, but in our backyards as well.. From the beginning our goal has been to allow other photographers and filmmakers to be able to pursue their projects that in turn would have an impact on our society. This year that goal became a reality when we held our first submission selection. Jonathan DeCamps, “Ghosts In America” and Teresa Meiers’s, “Photosynthesis”, we feel, are two amazing projects that will have true impact on the lives they touch. Catch up on our blog to learn more about them, and consider donating to further their succes.

The other profound event which took place this year was my invitation to be a part of the Orlando Museum of Art’s, Florida Art Prize in Contemporary Art. This was an exhibition of ten selected artist throughout the state of Florida that the OMA felt exemplified artists that are moving forward in the contemporary art world and making an impact with their work. Being the first and only photographer selected, it was quite an honor. This opportunity was another indication that helped solidify my purpose for creating this organization. I want to thank OMA for showing images from this controversial subject, “Weed: The Story of Charlotte’s Tangled Web”, because here in the state of Florida, we are at a critical time.  We need people to be educated on the subject.

Please consider continuing your support; we are making great strides and need your support more than ever. We are excited for 2016!

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

Best to all,


Jennifer Kaczmarek / Founder                                                                              and entire Taking Focus Team


 Joe Vance for his support, assistance, and friendship                                                                                                                                                  Adriana Teresa Gragham of VISURA for her extended edit of Love For Alyssa                                                                                                              Mr. Steve Kelly                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Southeast Center for Photographic Studies                                                                                                                                                            Reg Garner and Triangle Reprographics for their beautiful large scale prints of Love For Alyssa, Keep The Light On, and WEED: The Story of  Charlotte's Tangled Web                                                                                                                                                                                           Piedmont Plastics                                                                                                                                                                                                      Robert E. Schroeder                                                                                                                                                                                                       Dennis Bayer                                                                                                                                                                                                          Orlando Museum of Art's entire staff                                                                                                                                                                                           



 Mr. and Mrs. Josh Guberman                                                                                                                                                                                        Mr. and Mrs. Lance Barton                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kaczmarek                                                                                                                                                                            Martinez Consulting Firm, INC


Art & Soul                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mrs. Barbara Brooke                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Bower Family                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mrs. Barbara Brooke                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ms. Sharon Caprice                                                                                                                                                                                                       Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dunham                                                                                                                                                                                               Mr. Josh Guberman                                                                                                                                                                                                       Mr. Larry Kaczmarek                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kaczmarek                                                                                                                                                                                   Ms. Gina Kirkpatrick                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Kuiper -Santure Family                                                                                                                                                                                             Netpique, LLC                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Martinez                                                                                                                                                                                       The Sacks Family                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mrs. Mavis York                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mrs. Rebecca Woerner  


Frame of Mind                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


"Ghosts In America" in NYC

In November, I had the pleasure of going back to New York City to attend a fundraising gala for the Latino Justice.  At the gala nine of my portraits from my series, "Ghosts In America" were on display.

It was a very exciting evening.

I had the opportunity to meet with interesting people - advocates for social justice and those who have a hard time living in the New York and New Jersey area.  Among the invitees, I was able to meet with writer Junot Diaz who was being honored by Latino Justice with their Community Champion Award.

I was also interviewed by Univision's local news about "Ghosts In America" during my visit.

Six of the nine portraits sold at the silent auction and the proceeds went to Latino Justice's fundraising. The buyers where very excited and everyone was happy with the work.

During my time in NYC I managed to schedule an exhibition during the month of June at the Rio Penthouse Gallery in Uptown Manhattan. The exhibition opening will be June 3rd, 2016. For this exhibition I have a goal of producing more work in another US city. To make this happen I need your support. Any donations towards "Ghosts In America" are tax deductible. "Ghosts In America" will also be part of Uptown Arts Stroll 2016 during the month of June 2016.



Jorge Tume, above, has been shown on the back of the buses around Miami Dade and gained some local notoriety. He recently told me that he has gained a visa that will let him go visit his native Perú for the first time in 20 years. He is also finishing college and keeps being active promoting voting registration activities.


Rosana, above, has kept herself active struggling for immigration reform. Rosana made a pilgrimage from South Florida to Washington DC to meet with the Pope during his last visit.


Ceci, above, moved to New Mexico and is teaching, besides keeping up with her poetry writing.

Giving Tuesday

{All images on this post are the exclusive property of Jennifer Kaczmarek , Teresa Meier, and Jonathan DeCamps, and are protected under the United States and International Copyright laws. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of Jennifer Kaczmarek. Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration (digital, artist rendering or alike) is a violation of the United States and International Copyright laws. All images are copyrighted @2016 Jennifer Kaczmarek, Teresa Meir, and Jonathan DeCamps}

December 1st is here! All around the globe we are celebrating 'Giving Tuesday'. It is a day of celebration and giving to an organization you believe in. This has been a year to be proud of as we have made great strides in accomplishing our mission of educating and advocating for those in need. There are such important stories to be told, and each story we tell has a common goal of reaching the masses; opening our hearts and minds; to humanize us and connect us, and to make us a more compassionate world. Believe in us as we believe in you!

There are four different ways you can donate to us today. You can choose to support one of the following three projects, or give to Taking Focus, Inc., and your donation will go to assisting in our operational costs.

Thank you all so much for your support and belief in us,

Jennifer Kaczmarek / Founder




*We are a 501c3 organization, all donations are tax deductible. After your donation please follow up with a little note that states which cause you have just donated to, so that we can make sure your donation is rightfully placed. 

~Thank you!







2015 Fiscal Sponsorship Program Selection

We at Taking Focus, Inc. are excited to announce the selection for our 2015 Fiscal Sponsorship Program.

Our decision came down to not one, but two exemplary projects that follow with our mission.  After speaking with them both, we were very impressed with their passion and their drive. These are two photographers using their art in a creative manner to drive change for the greater good of society in two very different ways.

For Taking Focus, we are thrilled to be able to showcase two projects that exemplify the diversity that we can support as a 501(c)3 organization.

We are looking forward to working with these two photographers and their photographic projects to bring forward awareness and change. We believe that these two projects will become even more impactful with the support of our Fiscal Sponsorship Program and more importantly, the support from donors to see the full realization of their projects.

Without further delay, these are two the applicants we are pleased to present:

Jonathan De Camps - Ghosts in America

Ghosts in America is an ongoing project capturing the societal dissonance of ordinary working people in the United States who live among us as undocumented immigrants. They are mothers, fathers and students, small business owners, teachers and activists -- each working towards a better life for themselves and their families.

Officially, undocumented immigrants don't exist. Ghosts in America tells the stories of their lives amidst the struggles of uncertain immigration status. Subjects’ faces are painted with cultural symbols from the Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) tradition, which represent death and rebirth. Each subject is transformed into a character in their own world and is photographed in their home environment, where they nurture their own dreams and goals.


Jonathan De Camps was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico to Dominican parents in November 1983. He was raised in the Dominican Republic and brought up with the rich culture and beautiful scenery of the Caribbean.

A lifelong interest in narrative imagery in films, paintings and photography led him to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Advertisement in 2008. In 2009, he moved to South Florida to broaden his horizons in the visual arts. In 2013, he earned an MFA in Visual Arts from the Miami International University of Art and Design.




Teresa Meier - Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is a therapeutic photography group for underprivileged and at-risk teens, run by prevention specialist Laura Stanley and photographer Teresa Meier. The course takes place at Newspace Center for Photography and is designed to provide the opportunity for self-exploration and self-expression through photography and the opportunity to engage in a project designed to enhance community well-being.

Participants are given the opportunity to learn from local artists during scheduled guest lectures and are granted access to the facilities at Newspace Center for Photography, where the course concludes with a one- month exhibition of the students’ best work.


Teresa Meier is a fine art photographer based in Oregon.

Currently, Teresa is finishing an MFA in photography from the Academy of Art University. Teresa volunteers her time teaching photography to at-risk and underprivileged youth in the Portland community and firmly believes that photography changes lives.

Taking Focus INC.'s Call For Submissions

{All images on this post are the exclusive property of Jennifer Kaczmarek and are protected under the United States and International Copyright laws. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of Jennifer Kaczmarek. Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration (digital, artist rendering or alike) is a violation of the United States and International Copyright laws. All images are copyrighted @2016 Jennifer Kaczmarek}


Taking Focus, Inc. is welcoming proposals of still and video project funding via our fiscal sponsorship program.

Deadline Extension: 11:59 pm on September 30th, 2015



  • You will work under an umbrella of like-minded photographers and filmmakers who want to see change and help those who need it

  • We will help make a proper edit of the visual work for submission to grant applications

  • We will look over your grant material for your project

  • You will have use of our tax EIN to apply for government grants after being selected

  • Your project’s private donors or corporations will receive a tax deduction

  • Your project has the potential to raise subsequent funds for the subjects of your work

  • Your project will help educate others

  • The work is yours; you retain all copyrights


How does this work?

Our fiscal sponsorship program gives you, the photographer or videographer, the opportunity to raise funds for your project by allowing your supporters to donate under the umbrella of Taking Focus, Inc.’s 501c3 status; these will be tax deductible donations for your supporters.

What is the outcome?

A final part of the proposed project must include a giving back component. Taking Focus, Inc. was created to assist other important social and health related projects. Our main mission remains, creating change by impacting the human spirit. For example, the giving back component could be an exhibition of the final work that educates the general public or a specific group; the giving back component could also be a fundraiser for the subject(s) of the project or a US-based organization for a related cause.


Submission details: A two page proposal is required. The first page must be an overview and intentions for the project. The second page must be a breakdown of the intended budget.

For video proposals, a 2 to 3 minute video of the work or prior work that shows your visual literacy. Please include a link to the video on a sharing platform such as Vimeo or your personal website.

For stills projects, 10 to 15 jpeg images sized to 1000 pixels wide on the shortest side. There should be no borders or watermarks and titled with your name and the number of the image (ex: yourname_01.jpg). Please include your full name, website and image captions within the body of the email. Or send a link to a body of work on your personal website that represents your vision, with captions, for this project proposal.

By all means, spread the word to other photographers that are looking for a way to manifest their projects into reality. If you are a photographer who is trying to make a difference through your work. Then let's start the conversation.

Email us at -

#makingpicturesmatter - Taking Focus, Inc.

View Full Terms and Conditions

Marlee -WEED: The Story of Charlotte's Tangled Web

{All images on this post are the exclusive property of Jennifer Kaczmarek and are protected under the United States and International Copyright laws. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of Jennifer Kaczmarek. Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration (digital, artist rendering or alike) is a violation of the United States and International Copyright laws. All images are copyrighted @2016 Jennifer Kaczmarek}

Marlee hugging Lulu her seizure response service dog. Lulu came from Canine Assistance in Alpharetta Georgia. Marlee was on a five year wait to receive a service dog. Saint Augustine, Florida. April 19, 2015

Marlee hugging Lulu her seizure response service dog. Lulu came from Canine Assistance in Alpharetta Georgia. Marlee was on a five year wait to receive a service dog. Saint Augustine, Florida. April 19, 2015


                  FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT

                                         DO THE RIGHT THING

                                DAILY DOSE

  Cannabis oil on the left VS harmful pharmaceuticals on the right

Marlee receives cannabis oil twice a day. The white substance is coconut oil and the black substance that is the size of one rice grain is the cannabis oil.

I would like you to meet Marlee. Marlee recently turned 15 years old, she suffers from epilepsy and autism. Rather than telling you her story in an interview format, I think simply sharing with you what Michelle, Marlee's mother has written would be best.  Michelle shares with you Marlee's beginning to where she is today.

First I just want to tell you about my first encounter with Marlee.  Marlee can not speak much, but she does communicate through her actions. Within the first few moments I could tell she was a very sweet and happy little girl. Right away Marlee took me by the hand. That was a huge sign her mom had told me. She isn't apt to do that very often to strangers, so hearing that made the moment feel very special.

Marlee greeting her dad Max after arrving home from a trip. Saint Augustine, FL. April 19, 201

Marlee greeting her dad Max after arrving home from a trip. Saint Augustine, FL. April 19, 201


Marlee was born, Marlena Alexis Vinzant on March 29, 2000. Here is Marlee's story in her mother's words:

"MV had her first seizure at the age of 7 mos.  Her second seizure happened one month later and lasted over 10 min.  She experienced temporary paralysis on one side of her body.  She was admitted to Nemours Children’s Hospital in Jacksonville, FL for evaluation.  There she was under the care of Dr. David Hammond.  He prescribed Phenobarbital.  Her seizures continued to increase and Clonazepam was added on 4/02/01.  She began experiencing several different seizure types. Generalized tonic-clonic, atonic, and absence.  At the point that hundreds of atonic seizure were occurring daily, Sept 2001, a second opinion was requested.  She was spiraling out of control.  Dr. Daria Marrinzini admitted her to Nemours for additional evaluation.  This began the road to searching for answers.  She was admitted to the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, under the care of Dr. Elaine Wiley, to see if she was eligible for brain surgery Nov. 2001.  She is not eligible due to her seizures being generalized.  From there MV was admitted to St. Joe’s Children’s Hospital in Tampa, FL, under the care of Dr. Jose Ferreira, for the purpose of beginning the Ketogenic Diet.  After the introduction of the diet there was significant reduction in seizure activity.  However, after 3 ½ years on the diet it became ineffective.    She was then referred to Dr. Juan Ochoa, UF Jax, by Dr. Ferreira.  He felt that a local neurologist was a better for managing her care.  Dr. Ochoa is currently published for his research and success with Ceralyte electrolyte therapy controlling absence seizures.  MV  drank 1 liter a day and it controlled her absence seizures for a period of approx 2 years.  The electrolyte therapy was discontinued Aug 2009 due to the initiation of the ketogenic diet, again.  The bag of tricks at this point was very limited.  We and the doctors had tried EVERYTHING to get some sort of control.   She is currently still experiencing generalized tonic-clonic seizures, (approx.5-6 a week).  The Vagus Nerve Stimulator was implanted in Oct. of 2007.  This has not reduced the frequency of her seizures.  However, the magnet is beneficial in reducing the length of her seizures.  She currently is under the primary care of Dr. Paul Carney at UF Gainesville.  He suggested we get her screened for autism.  She was diagnosed Aug. 1, 2008 with autism spectrum disorder.  She is currently labeled Other Health Impaired, Language Impaired, OT, PT and speech impaired and Intellectually disabled.  We have applied for Social Security Disability two times and been denied.  We have applied for several different grants to help absorb medical costs and been denied.  In May of 2010 we organized a fundraiser to cover the cost of placental stem cell treatment in Mexico and we far exceeded our goal.  We traveled to Mexico and under the care of Dr. Omar Gonzales, Marlena had placental stem cell treatment.  She had six injections in her head and four implants in her back.  We also have paired the stem cell treatment with Hyperbaric oxygen therapy.  We unfortunately found no positive gain as a result of the treatment..  The long road continues…We have concluded our hyperbaric therapy….no results …..not our deal.  Marlee was admitted to Miami Children’s Hospital from Oct 11 – 15th, 2010, to have more tests.  Nothing new.… It’s the med game….  We have been researching MMJ for years and have currently began CBD, Jan 2015.  We are hoping that this will be our miracle!"


Dec 2000                     Nemours Children’s Hospital Jacksonville, FL – 1st treatment 

Sept 2001                    Nemours Children’s -  video EEG, CAT, MRI, PET

Nov 2001                    Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH - Video monitoring

Feb 2002                     St Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, Tampa, FL - Keto diet

Feb 2004                     St Joseph’s Children’s Hospital – video EEG

March 2005                 Cleveland Clinic – video monitoring

Dec 7th & 8th 2005       Ambulatory EEG UF Jax

Oct 2007                     UF Shands Jacksonville- VNS implanted

March 2008                 UF Shands Gainesville – EEG video monitoring

Jan  2009                     UF Shands Gainesville -  Sleep Study

July 2009                     UF Shands Gainesville – 24hr video EEG monitoring  baseline

Aug 2009                    UF Shands Gainesville – Administration of Ketogenic Diet

Nov 2009                    UF Shands Gainesville – 5 hr EEG

Oct 2010                     Miami Children’s Hospital EEG monitoring, CAT and PET scan

July 2014                     UF Pediatric ER 2 hour long seizure

Jan 2015                      Ambulance to Flagler ER Status

Feb 2015         Status  Flagler hospital- ambulance transport to UF Shands admitted to PICU..Three night stay

As well as numerous ER visits.

Ketogenic Diet           Jan 2002 – Sept 2005


Jan 2002                      3.5/1                July 28, 05       2.75/1             

July 2003                     4/1                   Aug 6, 05        2.5/1

April 04                       3/1                   Aug 22, 05      2.25/1

Feb 05                         3.5/1                Sept 8, 2005    Stopped diet

June 17, 05                  3.25/1

Began Diet again…..  Gainesville

Aug 3, 2009 – Feb 3rd, 2010  not at all effective…no reduction in seizures.

Longest Seizures

April 23, 2003             27 min                         June 23, 2009, cluster 11 seizures over 48hr.

July 7, 2003                 7 min                           Oct 23, 2009  15 min

Aug 12, 2003              23 min.                        Nov 5, 2009 8 min

April 12, 2008             10 min.                        Nov 9, 2009 10 min

June 14, 2010 6 seizures                                 Nov. 26, 2009  7 min.

June 30, 2010 3 seizures                                 many more….too many to list

Diastat administered

11/28/12….stopped updating, too many to list

Jan 19th, 2015              30 min Status   hospital

Feb 7, 2015                 5 seizures status  hospital

Alternative Treatments

Cranio Sacral                           March 2006 – Nov 2006

Reflexology                            Jan 2007-Sept 2007

Ketogentic Diet                      Jan 2002 – Sept 2005, Aug 2009 – Feb 2010

Electrolyte Therapy                 Oct 2005 – Aug 2009

Neuro-optic Analysis              May 2005

Faith Healer                            March 2005, June 2005

Vagus Nerve Stimulator         Oct 2007

Reflexology/Reikki                 6 mo. 2009

Stem Cell Treatment               May 31st , 2010

Dr. Omar Gonzalaz… Placental stem cells; 6 injections in head and 4 implants in back.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy   May 24th, 2010 – July 4th 2010

Acupuncture Sept 2010 –Feb 2010  - (once a week)

CBD                                        2014/2015

Frankencense                          drop under nose and on feet during seiaure


MRI                – normal         Gainesville, March 2008

PET                 Nov 01            ,           no significant abnormality

PET                 Oct 10             Miami Children’s Hospital

CAT                Oct 10             Miami Children’s hospital

Spinal Tap        March 2006    Normal Glucose, rules out glucose transport def.

Neuropsychological Report    UF Gainesville, March 2008

MEG scan       April 2008       University of Alabama – Birmingham not eligible for brain


Autism Screening                    UF Gainesville, Dr. Carlos Rodriquez –

                                                Diagnosis – Autism disorder Aug. 1, 2008

Sleep Study     Jan 2009          UF Gainesville – results mild sleep apnea,  referred to ENT

Pertinent History

Birth History:  Pregnancy normal. 32 lbs. gained.  Natural birth, very quick, 1 hour 44 min from first contraction to birth.  Induced at 10 days past due date due to fluxuation of baby’s heartbeat.  The cord was around MV’s neck when she was born.  Blue and floppy.  1 min APGAR- 4,  5 min APGAR – 9.  Oxygen was administered.  Birth weight 7lb. 13oz.,  21 ½ length.  MV was breast fed exclusively for first 5 mo.  Solids were introduced.  Breast feeding continued until 13 mo.

Developmental History

Normal until onset of seizures (7 mo.) two weeks after vaccinations.   Developmental progression has been abnormal since.  Speech is impaired. 17 mo. 1st word – Da for DaDa, 23 mo. Said MaMa.  12 mo. !st step, 21 months walking independently.  Has been in OT, PT, and ST since 14 mo.  MV  attended Otis Mason Elementary where her father is a teacher until the age of 8, 2nd grade.  She is now attending a full time specialized class at Gamble Rogers Middle.  She currently needs one on one assistance with her academics.  She has an extensive IEP and is labeled other health impaired Language Impaired, OT, PT and speech impaired and Intellectually disabled.

Past Medical History and Epilepsy Risk Factors

There is no history of significant head trauma, central nervous system infections or febrile seizures.

Family History:  Marlene lives with both her parents and has no siblings.  She loves to feed and her dog named Oakley Onions and in Jan of 2013 she received Lulu her seizure response service dog through Canine Assistance of Alpharetta, GA.   There is no family history of epilepsy or other chronic neurological conditions.  Mother is adopted.

Medications Tried                 Max Dose                   Doc                 Date      

Carbatrol (Carbamazepine)     100mg 3xday              Hammond       05/01

Lamictal                                                                      Carney

Depakote                                 375 BID         

Mysoline                                                                     Hammond       06/01

Diastat                                     15 mg                          current

Penobarbitol                            15mg                           Hammond       12/00

Gabatril                                   short lived                  


Keppra                                    250BID                       Ferreira            04/04                          

Topamax                                 15mg-BAD shakes      Marranzini       09/01

Klonapin                                 .5 3xdaily                    Hammond       04/01  

Trileptal                                   225mg/300mg             Ferreira            12/04-07/06

Zonegran                                 200mg                         Ochoa              03/06-12/06    

Banzel                                     800mg                         Carney             2015

                                                (restless sleep)

Vimpat                                                150mg                         Carney             2014

Onfi     (tremulous)                  25mg per day              Carney             10/09/12

Vimpat 200mg            AM

              200mg           PM

Banzel 600mg             BID

Clonazepam 1mg        BID

CBD                            1 grain of rice size in coconut oil BID


{All images on this post are the exclusive property of Jennifer Kaczmarek and are protected under the United States and International Copyright laws. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of Jennifer Kaczmarek. Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration (digital, artist rendering or alike) is a violation of the United States and International Copyright laws. All images are copyrighted @2016 Jennifer Kaczmarek}

Become a sponsor

Please consider donating any amount to support the work in progress, Charlotte's Tangled Web' in an upcoming group exhibition that will be at the Orlando Museum of Art opening June 11th, 2015. Your donation is to help assist with exhibition costs. Realizing this is a complex and controversial issue, our goal is to change the public's perception by educating and advocating for those suffering who are in need of medical cannabis. We believe strongly that visual storytelling is the most powerful way to connect with an audience. Our families featured in this exhibition want you to know that they have tried everything else, and this is their last hope.

For more information please go to:

We are a 501c3 organization. All donations are tax deductible.

SPONSOR Exhibition at the Orlando Museum of Art

{All images on this post are the exclusive property of Jennifer Kaczmarek and are protected under the United States and International Copyright laws. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of Jennifer Kaczmarek. Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration (digital, artist rendering or alike) is a violation of the United States and International Copyright laws. All images are copyrighted @2016 Jennifer Kaczmarek}


Charlotte's Tangled Web
Each image will be 30x40 in size
Image sponsorship's are:
$200 for individuals
$300 for businesses
You may donate any amount to be listed as a general sponsor

*All donations are tax deductible.

Opening  June 11, 2015 / Orlando Museum of Art

Dear friends and supporters,
As many of you were great supporters of Love for Alyssa in 2012, we hope you will stay with us on our next great journey. We are pleased to announce that Love for Alyssa, Keep the Light On, and images from my new work in progress, Charlotte's Tangled Web, have been invited to be a part of the Orlando Museum of Art's Florida Artist Prize In Contemporary Art this summer.
Charlotte's Tangled Web focuses on those in need of medical marijuana in the state of Florida. Understanding how controversial this subject is, I set out to gather my own findings. It didn't take long to discover how tangled the issues are, on so many levels. At the bottom of this mess are those that are truly suffering. I would call these individuals 'victims'. They are of all ages, with all different types of debilitating aliments, who have become 'victims' in an inhumane game of tug-of-war between politics and money. Their lives have been left hanging in the balance while those in power decide their fate.

I have witnessed first hand the positive impact this plant can have. Ten year old Christina Clark went 100 days seizure free utilizing cannabis oil.
To reflect on what a great impact Love for Alyssa had, the work has been featured on CNN Photos, CNN America, CNN Chart, as well as the Daytona News Journal, The Observer, and F-Stop.  Furthermore, LFA was selected as a finalist in the Michael P. Smith Fund, and selected as one of the Critical Mass 50 of 2012.
The most humbling impact has been the emails received from people around the country who were moved by Alyssa's story, as well as the handful of students around the county who learned of the work and included LFA as part of their graduating thesis. Love for Alyssa unknowingly achieved so much more then was ever intended, thanks to the power of photography and you- our supporters.

We hope that you will help us continue to advocate, educate, and inspire others. Please consider helping us continue making our imprint in the world.



Jennifer Kaczmarek / Founder